This application is extremely helpful in the way it implements flash cards for the user to study. You can create flash cards, import flash cards, etc. and after studying them it will use various algorithms to determine when you should be studying them again as well as using certain methods that reshuffle flash cards you answered incorrectly back into the stack for more review. Current Issues: 1. The application has been buggy recently. Perhaps because theyve stopped working on it in favor of their new Studies application coming out. 2. On that note, I have a problem with the studies app. The Mental Case company has recently made a new flash card application for MacOSX (coming to iOS soon) called Studies. It has some improvements over their old generation Mental Case applications but they do not seem drastically different. It is somewhat bothersome that they are selling these products as entirely new applications when they seem like iterations on their old software. While I understand that an entirely new program can not simply be pushed as an update for an older program, perhaps they should have provided users of their previous software some sort of discount. Of course, this depends on how well they continue to maintain their old software. However, as I said previously, this application has been crashing lately and I have also been noticing increasing issues/errors in the MacOSX application as well.